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Student Complaints

Students have the right to fair and equal treatment by administrators and to expect professional behavior from other faculty and students. Professional behavior includes such matters as a respect for expertise, individual beliefs, and personal privacy. Students should be aware that the campus provides an ombudsperson, whose duties are described in the Graduate Student Bulletin; one of the functions of the ombudsperson is to process student complaints. Students who have complaints about administrators, faculty, or other students should first discuss their complaints with the person concerned, if possible. If the complaint cannot be resolved in this way, they should discuss the complaint with the CS Graduate Director who will discuss the complaint with the administrator, faculty or student in question, and attempt to resolve the problem. If resolution is not possible at this level, the complaint will be referred to the CS Department Chair. Grievance procedures for students who wish to appeal their dismissal from the program are described in the Graduate School Bulletin.

Steven M. Carr 2007-04-24